The Me I Want To Be: Becoming God's Best Version of You by John Ortberg
Session One - Discovering the Spirit (Chapters 1 - 6)
You were created by God to fulfill the plan He has for you. He made you with the personality, strength and talents necessary to fufill your purpose. This book study is designed to take you on a journey to get from the "me" your are to the "me" God intended--the me you want to be.
In the first chapter the author talks about flourishing and how it never happens if we focus only on ourselves. Being a blessing to others will always result when we are flourishing.
“Only God knows your full potential, and he is guiding you toward that best version of yourself all the time."
Questions to Consider
1. | God wants you to become more like the you He intended when He made you. The author calls it flourishing. You get glimpses of why God made you when you are moving toward that "you." Do you feel like you are flourishing or languishing? |
2. | You must grow spiritually in order to become God's best version of you. In the growing process, the author talks about how God does not discard the raw material that makes you you. He redirects it. Think about your personality, natural gifts and talents. Are you using them to be a blessing to others? |
3. | What matters most is not what you accomplish but who you become. In this world, accomplishments are a big deal. Resumes are built on accomplishments. John Ortberg believes that "...The me I want to be is measured by your capacity to love. How are you exhibiting your capacity to love? Is your capacity increasing? How do you know? |
Keep reading. Next book study post will be notes for Chapter 2
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